

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the governing board of the Society shall act for the Society between regular membership meetings of the Society. It shall appoint such committees as shall be necessary to integrate the activities of the divisions with the Society, and shall prepare, with the recommendation of each divisions president, the budget for the forthcoming year.

The Executive Committee shall be composed of the president, president-elect/treasurer, secretary/assistant treasurer, immediate past president, the councilors, alternate councilors, the president, president-elect and secretary treasurer and secretary/treasurer of the Chicago Radiological Society and the President of the Central Illinois Radiological Society. Members of the Society who also serve as members of the Board of Chancellors of the American College of Radiology shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee without vote.

Committee Members:
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR – President
Mandar A. Pattekar, MD – President-Elect/Treasurer
Thomas Anderson, MD, FACR – Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR – Immediate Past President
Davide Bova, MD– President, Chicago Division
Jennifer Lim-Dunham, MD – President-Elect / Program Director, Chicago Division
William Small, MD, FACR, Secretary/Treasurer, Chicago Division
Edward Michals, MD – Immediate Past President, Chicago Division
Mandar A. Pattekar, MD – President, Central Illinois Division
Bruce Shevlin, MD – Vice President, Central Illinois Division
Dean Collette, MD – Secretary / Treasurer, Central Illinois Division
Leonard Berlin, MD, FACR
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR
Carl L. Kalbhen, MD
Jay Korach, MD
Edward Melian, MD
Ellen B. Mendelson, MD, FACR
Richard A. Mintzer, MD, FACR
Mandar A. Pattekar, MD
Michael J. Racenstein, MD
W. Ross Stevens, MD, FACR
Aruna Vade, MD, FACR
Alternate Councilors by Tenure
Thomas M. Anderson, MD, FACR
Jonathan Berlin, MD
Raymond E. Bertino, MD, FACR
Paul Chang, MD, FACR
Edward C. Elliott, MD
Kate A. Feinstein, MD, FACR
John F. Hibbeln, MD
Gregory D. Moss, MD, FACR
Ruth G. Ramsey, MD, FACR
William Small, Jr. MD
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR
Young Alternate Councilor
Alexander Nemeth, MD
Bylaws Committee
This committee shall be composed of the president-elect of the Illinois Radiological Society and its two divisions. The Chair shall be the president-elect of the Illinois Radiological Society. It shall review these Bylaws annually and make recommendations to the Executive Committee according to Article XIII, Section 1.

Committee Members:
Mandar A. Pattekar, MD – Chair
Jennifer Lim-Dunham, MD– President-Elect / Program Director, Chicago Division
Bruce E. Shevlin, MD, FACR – Vice President, Central Illinois Division
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Carrier Advisory Committee
The CAC representatives serve as advisors to the Medicare Part B carrier in Illinois (Wisconsin Physician Services) and are appointed by the respective state specialty organizations. The IRS Carrier Advisory Committee shall serve as a resource to the CAC representatives in areas of their expertise.

CAC Representatives:
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR (Diagnostic)
Raymond E. Bertino, MD, FACR (Alternate Diagnostic)
Brian J. Moran, MD (Radiation Oncology)
William Hartsell, MD, FACR, (Alternate Radiation Oncology)
IRS Sub-Committee Members:
Mammography: Ellen B. Mendelson, MD, FACR
Bone/Musculoskeletal: Martin Lazarus, MD
Chest: Steve Montner, MD
GI/GU: Claire Smith, MD
Neuroradiology: Alex Nemeth, MD
Ultrasound: Raymond E. Bertino, MD, FACR
Cardiac: Dianna Bardo, MD
Pediatric: Aruna Vade, MD
Interventional: Robert Vogelzang, MD
Nuclear Medicine: Gary Dillehay, MD, FACR
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Equipment Committee
This committee is charged with overall concern with equipment design, performance, and availability; education of the radiologist in equipment matters; and exchanging information with and assisting the College Committee in the implementation of its program.

Committee Members:
Richard F. Nelson, PhD
Carter S. Young, DO
Joel E. Gray, PhD
Allan M. Haggar, MD
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Fellowship Committee
This committee shall annually review the membership of the Society for the purpose of nominating members for Fellowship in the American College of Radiology.

Committee Members:
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR – Chair
Leonard Berlin, MD FACR
Michael Broadbent, PhD, FACR
Thomas J. Cusack, MD, FACR
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR
Richard A. Mintzer, MD, FACR
Geoffrey L. Smoron, MD, FACR
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee will be responsible for the oversight of the Society’s financial affairs and accounts, including bank checking and savings accounts and long term investment accounts. The committee will establish procedures for safeguarding Society Funds and assist in developing and monitoring the Society’s annual budget.

Committee Members:
Leonard Berlin, MD, FACR, Chair
Kate A. Feinstein, MD, FACR
Matthew J. Kuhn, MD, FACR
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR
Mandar A. Pattekar, MD
Judicial Affairs Committee
This committee shall consider charges of unethical conduct pursuant to Article IV, Section 7. This Committee shall be composed of three (3) members appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee. Wherever possible, members of the Executive Committee shall not be appointed to the Judicial Affairs Committee.

Committee Members:
Terrence M. Brady, MD, FACR – Chair
Gregory D. Moss, MD, FACR
Jerry P. Petasnick, MD, FACR
Legislative Advisory Committee
This committee shall consist of at least five (5) members and should include a Physicist, a Nuclear Medicine Physician and a Diagnostic Radiologist. Its function shall be to monitor legislation pertinent to the field of Radiology and to act as liaison among the Society, the Illinois State Medical Society Legal Affairs Committee, and the Executive and Legislative Branches of the State of Illinois.

Committee Members:
W. Ross Stevens, MD – Chair
Thomas M. Anderson, MD, FACR
Edward C. Elliott, MD
Allen F. Hrejsa, PhD
Jay L. Korach, MD
Mandar A. Pattekar, MD
Nathan Saucier, MD, Resident Physician Section/Peoria
Syam Vasireddy, MD, Resident Physician Section/Springfield
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Mammography Committee
This committee shall provide technical assistance and educational activities regarding mammography to the members of the Society.

Committee Members:
Michael J. Racenstein, MD – Chair
Peter M. Jokich, MD
Ellen B. Mendelson, MD, FACR
Gillian Newstead, MD, FACR
Peter Shile, MD
Judith A. Wolfman, MD, FACR
Robert A. Schmidt, MD
Richard A. Mintzer, MD, FACR
Jian-Feng Chen, PhD
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR
Membership Committee
This committee shall review applications for all classes of membership in the Society. The secretary-treasurer of the Society shall be a member ex-officio of the committee and shall be its chairman. The alternate councilor(s) shall also be member(s) ex-officio of this committee. This committee shall submit its recommendations to the Executive Committee for its approval for submission to the members pursuant to Article IV.

Committee Members:
Thomas Anderson, MD, FACR, Chair
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR
Edward C. Elliott, MD
John F. Hibbeln, MD
Carl L. Kalbhen, MD
Jay Korach, MD
Ejaz Rahim, MD
Virgina Diavolitsis, MD, Resident Physician Section/Chicago
Vivek Patel, MD, Resident Physician Section/Springfield
ex officio members:
Thomas M. Anderson, MD, FACR
Jonathan W. Berlin, MD
Raymond E. Bertino, MD, FACR
Paul Chang, MD, FACR
Edward C. Elliott, MD, FACR
Kate A. Feinstein, MD, FACR
John F. Hibbeln, MD
Gregory D. Moss, MD, FACR
Ruth G. Ramsey, MD, FACR
William Small, MD
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR
Alexander Nemeth, MD
Nominating Committee
This committee shall notify the members at least one (1) month prior to the Annual Meeting of the nominations for all offices of the Society established in these Bylaws. The Chairman of the Committee shall be the immediate past-president of the Illinois Radiological Society.

Committee Members:
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR, Chair
W. Ross Stevens, MD, FACR
Kate A. Feinstein, MD, FACR
Leonard Berlin, MD, FACR
Matthew J. Kuhn, MD, FACR
Ruth G. Ramsey, MD, FACR
William Small, Jr., MD
Physics Committee
This committee shall consist of at least three (3) members. The function of this committee shall be to coordinate the activities of the members in Physics with the functioning of the remainder of the Society.

Committee Members:
Eric C. Zickgraf, PhD, FACR – Chair
Joel E. Gray, PhD – Vice Chair
Nicholas Lembares, MS
James R. Halama, PhD, FACR
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Program Committee
This committee shall be responsible for developing educational programming for the IRS Annual Meeting and Educational Conference.

Committee Members:
Jennifer Lim-Dunham, MD – Chair
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Radiation Oncology Committee
The Radiation Oncology Committee shall be responsible for monitoring issues affecting radiation oncology and for bringing any concerns to the attention of the Executive Committee at each Executive Committee Meeting or more often as necessary. The Committee will serve as an information resource for developing IRS positions on radiation oncology and for marshalling radiation oncology member support for issues on behalf of IRS. The Radiation Oncology Committee shall consist of the Chair and four members representing the two divisions, all of whom are board certified radiation oncologists. The Chair and committee members shall be appointed by the President for one-year terms and the chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee.

Committee Members:
Edward C. Elliott, MD, FACR, Chair
Brian Moran, MD
William Small, Jr., MD
Geoffrey Smoron, MD, FACR
Bruce E. Shevlin, MD, FACR
Kevin Albuquerque, MD
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Socio-Economics for Residents Committee
This committee shall engage in broad educational programs for residents-in-training in Illinois in all fields of Radiology.

Committee Members:
Kate A. Feinstein, MD, FACR, Chair
Raymond E. Bertino, MD, FACR, Vice Chair
Mandar A. Pattekar, MD
Alexander Nemeth, MD
Christopher Chan, MD, Resident & Fellows Section President
Patrick Alore, MD, Resident & Fellows Section President-Elect
Damon D. Shearer, DO, Resident & Fellows Section Treasurer
Daniel Jeong, MD, Resident & Fellows Section Program Chair
Charles Smittkamp, MD, Resident & Fellows Section/Springfield
Emily Burdick, MD, Resident & Fellows Section/ Peoria
Ruth G. Ramsey, MD, FACR
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
Committee on Economics
This committee shall be charged with the duty of monitoring the economics of radiological practice and procedures, including the proper reimbursement by Medicare and commercial third party payors.

Committee Members:
Aruna Vade, MD, FACR – Chair
James L. Swischuk, MD
Lincoln B. Hubbard, PhD, FACR
Joseph P. Alenghat, MD
Paul J. Chang, MD
Gary L. Dillehay, MD, FACR, ex officio
ACR Committee on Pediatric Economics
Kate A. Feinstein, MD, FACR
Aruna Vade, MD, FACR
Jennifer Lim-Dunham, MD
Ira Wolke, MD, PhD
Craig Mitchell, DO
Technologist Advisory Committee
This committee shall undertake projects and programs to advance radiologic technology after such have been approved by the Executive Committee. They will also be responsible for furnishing names of radiologists to survey educational programs of radiologic technology to the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. This committee shall contain a liaison member to be named by the Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologist (ISSRT).

Committee Members:
W. Ross Stevens, MD – Chair
David Casalino, MD
Glenn P. Glasgow, PhD, FACR
Shahrooz Sepahdari, MD
Gregory D. Moss, MD, FACR
Davide Bova, MD
Edward Melian, MD
Liaison member named by the Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologists
Kathleen A. Ward, MD, FACR, ex officio
Representative: W. Ross Stevens, MD, FACR

Contact the IRS

IRS Office
Bacon-Hedland Management
1240 Iroquois Avenue, Ste. 106
Naperville, IL  60563
Phone: (630) 428-4655
Fax: (630) 428-7700
E-mail: [email protected]

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